software for landscape analysis of gene expression networks in genomic
context |
ViaComplex is a bioinformatics application that
builds landscape maps of gene expression networks. It is released under an open source license and is completely
free for any use. The motivation for this software comes from two previous
publications: 1. Castro
MAA, Mombach JCM, de Almeida RMC, Moreira JCF. Impaired expression of NER
gene network in sporadic solid tumors. Nucleic
Acids Res., 35(6):1859-67, 2007. 2. Castro
MAA, Dalmolin RLS, Moreira JCF, Mombach JCM, de Almeida RMC. Evolutionary
origins of human apoptosis and genome-stability gene networks. Nucleic Acids Res., 36(19):6269-83,
2008. The first paper presents the network-based model of apoptosis and genome stability pathways and defines a set of genes that characterizes each genetic system. The second paper analyses the model and transfers functional information from several experiments to the network topology. In order to systematize the methods developed in these papers, here ViaComplex provides tools that may help potential users to test different high-throughput experiments in the perspective of six core genome maintenance mechanisms. This model illustrates how different gene networks can be analyzed by the same algorithm. ViaComplex reference: Castro MAA et
al., Bioinformatics,
25(11):1468-9, 2009. PMID:
19369498 |
Contact: Mauro Castro (mauro@ufrgs.br) Departamento
de Bioquímica, Lab32 Universidade
Federal do Rua Ramiro
Barcelos 2600-anexo, Porto
Alegre 90035-003, Brazil. |
José Rybarczyk (jose.rybarczyk@gmail.com) Instituto
de Física, LabCel Universidade
Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento
Gonçalves 9500, PO Box 15051, Porto
Alegre 91501-970, Brazil. |
Last Modified 3 Jul 2009 |